Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Engineers

Seems like nobody wants to be an engineer no more. In Japan at least.

"But according to educators, executives and young Japanese themselves, the young here are behaving more like Americans: choosing better-paying fields like finance and medicine, or more purely creative careers, like the arts, rather than following their salaryman fathers into the unglamorous world of manufacturing."

I guess the baby boomers and Gen-X folks might still think engineers as one of the better careers. You know, like the reason why my mommy and daddy told me to be a doctor or engineer when I was a kid.

But Gen-Y people are more towards glamorous jobs like investment bankers, stock analysts, derivative traders or whatever trader blah blah.

As long as you are in places like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Barclays or all those damn big banks, you are the elite.

Forget about the subprime crap. Write-offs and losses and all those shats but still the people inside are getting fat bonuses.

That's where all the monies are.

Nobody wants to slog in a factory wearing plain a t-shirt and jeans. So uncool.
Bankers dress to kill.

I guess Japanese kids these days have got American mentality too.

In the days to come, China and India might be full of factories.
I mean really sardine packed with.
Some other third world countries too.
Very attractive low cost centres for the MNCs.

They might call it the centre of excellence.
But still, we all know they meant low cost instead.

Yeah I know it felt like crap to know that you are a low cost worker.


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